User Guides That Work

Make Step-By-Step Guides Easier to Follow

If you have software, apps, or WordPress plugins and need instructions that users understand, consider hiring a technical writer to provide software documentation or user guides for your customers. 

We all know how frustrating it can be to try technical documentation can be when trying to figure out how to use something new, especially when the directions are hard to understand or worse – nonexistent. Technical writing should make complicated ideas easier to understand.

If you want a user guide that makes the learning process easier for customers, here are some recommendations.

Step-by-step instructions for employees

Tips for an Effective User Guide or Instruction Manual

Write User Guides for Your Audience – Put Yourself in Their Shoes

  • Understand the problem or hurdle faced relating to the service. Where does the most confusion occur? Break down the information into smaller chunks without overwhelming the reader

Use Simplified Language and Avoid Jargon

  • Guide the learning process with easy-to-understand terminology whenever possible
  • Include definitions for terminology if necessary
  • Write instructions in a sequence and use a step-by-step process

Create a Style Guide and Follow it

  • Use a consistent style throughout the user guide
  • Be consistent with verb tense
  • Be consistent with lists and numbering

Include Generous Visual Content

  • Include screenshots
  • Include drawings and charts

Include Video Help

  • Add links to video tutorials if possible


Make Your Customers Happy

A user manual should have friendly and accessible content with step-by-step guidance in order to be a helpful tool for customers that makes things easier, not harder. The more effort that goes into a user documentation, the happier your customers will be. 

Writing Services That Work For You

Your Industry

Well-researched and industry-specific instructions for your customers, employees, or students.

Your Message

Clear, step-by-step instructions without the jargon.

Your Brand

Style guides are welcome!


Austin, TX

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